A collection of concepts and characters holding on for dear life.

by Scott Brooks


This could very well be deemed a short story collection, though I’ve taken quite a few liberties with the format by composing some of these as product reviews, strange ads, intimate text threads, surveillance transcripts and cold-blooded medical studies. Also, a handful of these ideas might have been better off as novels…that is, if I were confident I’d have sufficient time to devote to each brainchild while still carving out enough hours in the day to helicopter-parent my actual kids.So these are my Preservation Stories, a collection of concepts and characters holding on for dear life.

There’s a lot to digest (says a guy with a lifetime of heartburn), so, like most things, these stories aren’t for everyone, especially the faint of heart or narrow of mind (although I hope this doesn’t stop HBO or Netflix from turning all of them into sexy, four-quadrant TV with that girl from that thing.)

Once I gather the courage to publish them, I’d be honored if you read just one, if only to escape your thoughts by fixating on my anxiety for a brief moment in time.
If any of these stories really move you, do tell, and no, I won’t be offended if you put them down, as there’s a slight chance my mother’s wrong and these aren’t all masterpieces. Besides, these tiny written artifacts of my existence won’t think twice about me when I’m gone, let alone grieve my absence, which is a great service to their terribly nostalgic author.So their job is done, whether you like them or not.Don’t say I didn’t warn you,
(^ the one in the life preserver, shocker)

Link below to read the author's awkward third-person bio,
send an email that will probably get lost
or visit @PreservationStories on Instagram
to witness an algorithmically-challenged affair.

Literary Representation: Sean Barclay @ The Gersh Agency

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